Do You love the effect of color splash, but don't want to keep zooming in and dragging your finger around to highlight the colors?
Then this app is for you, let the AI take care of understanding the colors of your images, and then all you have to do is select the colors you want to activate in the smart generated color palette. Now you can also change the original colors of the image, it is very easy to use and the results are amazing.
It is fast, easy, and powerful!
It is known that sometimes this app crashes on devices running Android 5.0 and 5.1. We are still working on a fix. We are sorry if you experience this issue.
Get started now!
Press and hold on a color circle to open the color changing menu, where you can change the hue of all pixels represented by that group! AMAZING.
(limited in the free version).
Reveals the original color when touching a gray area.. Long click the icon to change the brush size.
Erase colors by touch. Long click the icon to change its size.
Activate/deactivate colors in the picture.
Pan and Zoom.
Click and hold to see the original picture.
- No ads.
- Undo / Redo functionality.
- Option to change the generated palette size between 2 to 11 colors.
- Freely change the colors to any hue value.
(Some pictures are easier edited when you change the palette size, usually images with fewer colors require smaller palette sizes, and images with many colors requires bigger palette sizes).
- Use pictures with vibrant colors for better effects.
- The colors changing effect works best when the colors are well grouped.
(You can try different palete sizes to check if its good)
This app has only one ad (fullscreen) that shows when you stop editing your image.
Watch our video to learn more:
Learn more about our work:
All images used in the app listing and video have CC0 license, and are from:
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هل تحب تأثير دفقة اللون ، ولكن لا تريد الاستمرار في التكبير وسحب إصبعك لتسليط الضوء على الألوان؟
ثم هذا التطبيق هو لك ، دع منظمة العفو الدولية تهتم بفهم ألوان صورك ، وكل ما عليك فعله هو تحديد الألوان التي تريد تنشيطها في لوحة الألوان الذكية. الآن يمكنك أيضًا تغيير الألوان الأصلية للصورة ، فمن السهل جدًا استخدامها والنتائج مذهلة.
إنه سريع وسهل وقوي!
من المعروف أن هذا التطبيق يتعطل أحيانًا على الأجهزة التي تعمل بنظام التشغيل Android 5.0 و 5.1. نحن لا نزال نعمل على حل. نعتذر إذا واجهت هذه المشكلة.
نبدأ الآن!